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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Aerobic Exercise – Learn Why You Need To Be Taking Part In Cardiovascular Programs

The term ‘aerobic’ means to exercise with air. Getting enough oxygen into our bloodstream on a regular basis is very important for many health reasons. The most obvious is to combat fatigue as when the cells receive enough oxygen then the energy levels in your body should improve.

Many people simply do not take part in enough aerobic exercise and the reason for this varies depending on the individual. For most people it is lack of time that seems to be the number one reason that they do not exercise regularly. A great way to get aerobic exercise is by buying a treadmill or stair climber for your home. This way you can exercise when it is most convenient for you. If you experience pain using regular exercise machines like a treadmill then you may want to consider something like a recumbent exercise bike. These are comfortable to use and offer great back support as well as variable resistance so you will not outgrow it
It is important to also evaluate how much aerobic exercise you get from your job. Many people work pretty physical jobs that require them to be standing and moving a lot. This is great since you probably do not need to do any more aerobic exercise as your job gives you the aerobic benefit you seek. Most people fail to stick with a consistent exercise program. The reason for this can be complicated however one way to help you stay focused is to set goals. If you are looking to lose weight then set a goal 2 weeks from now as to what weight you want to be at. Be reasonable and aim for a 2 to 5 pound weight loss. Write your goal on a piece of paper and remind yourself daily about it.

Also be sure to create an effective diet program as well otherwise weight loss will be difficult. Some simple tips to keep in mind about diet is to stick with smaller meals and only eat when you are hungry. In between meals you can have something healthy and nutritious like an apple or some other fruit. Make your goal to also become healthier and not just thin. Focus on the benefits of being healthy and strong like having more energy, clearer thinking and greater confidence levels which will help you in many other areas of your life.

The aerobic exercise sessions should not be too vigorous but should rather have your pulse around the 120 beats per minute range. Even a light walk for 30 to 60 minutes can be very beneficial to your health. If you are running then do not do it for more than 20 minutes a day otherwise you could burn yourself out and even become sick since your immune system will become depressed due the over exercising.

Aerobic exercise really is a key component to any healthy person’s lifestyle and is a very important part in helping you to lose weight fast. Also consider adding in once a week or so some strength training sessions to help build and maintain muscle as this will help you to burn calories much more easily. Remember that muscles burn calories all the time so make sure you add some muscle to your body in order to maintain a healthy weight. Take part in regular exercise and watch your nutrition carefully in order to maintain optimal health.

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