Meat is one of the most heavily consumed foods especially in North America, however many are not aware of the potential dangers of consuming too much meat. Normal meat may contain significant levels of toxins that can then end up in our bodies and create the potential for disease and illness. Organic meat is often a good alternative for meat lovers and it has many benefits over regular meat. Organic meat can be found for most animals, for instance you can now get organic chickens, organic beef, even organic cat food and so on as the demand for organic meats continues to rise.
Of course, one the challenges to overcome with organic meat is that it costs more than regular meat. However if you take into account the fact that you are getting a lot more nutrition, and that you do not need to consume as much then the cost may end up being the same as regular meat. Regular meat such as beef comes from cows that are injected with hormones and are fed foods that also contain various chemical additives. The idea is to get as much beef out of each cow as possible. The problem is that these hormones and synthetic chemicals end up in the beef which ends up in your body if you eat regular beef. Our bodies have a tough time dealing with these substances and this may result in many health problems.
- Less Toxins in Organic Meats
With organic meats, such as organic beef or organic chicken, the animals are fed chemical free foods and not injected with any hormones. Also the animals are allowed to roam freely as they would in nature. Regular cows or chickens are usually confined to one location usually for long periods of time. Thus, by supporting the organic meat industry, you are also supporting a more humane manner of treating animals in addition to consuming meat with less toxins in it.
Also regular meat has other additives in it such as nitrates which help to give the meat a nice color. The problem is that we do not know the long term effects of consuming these chemicals so turning to organic meat is a safer alternative. There are many strict standards in place to ensure that farmers produce truly organic meat. Some of them include:
1.The existence of the farmers paying attention to the greatest levels of animal welfare
2.The use of artificial pesticides, herbicides or artificial fertilizers is not permitted at any place in an organic farm
3.The use of genetically modified organisms are not permitted
4.No drugs, hormones, or other chemical additives are allowed to be given to the animals or their food in order to promote growth.
Organic meat farms are thoroughly inspected to ensure they meet standards and there is great documentation that must also take place at every inspection to ensure quality standards are being met. The reason organic meat often costs more than regular meat is because the organic farmers are not able to produce as much as regular meat farmers so they have to raise the price to remain competitive. Nowadays you can even buy organic meats online, just make sure you do your research on the organic meat farm thoroughly to make sure that they are of the highest quality. In fact many organic meat farms only sell through mail order or strictly via the internet as they have not expanded to the retail stores yet.
Some organic meat farms designate a nurse cow for every new calf, so the calves are raised in a truly natural manner and are treated very well indeed. Many that consume organic meat also say that the taste of the meat is far better than conventionally produced meat so that is yet another reason to consume organic meat. Also, keep in mind that by consuming organic meats, you are also supporting the environment since there are no pesticides or other chemicals used in the process.
A study published in the British Journal of medicine suggest that pregnant mothers who consume organic meats have a higher quality of breast milk. The breast milk was found to contain higher levels of conjugeic linoleic acid or CLA which is an important nutrient for our health. So for all the meat lovers out there, organic meat has many benefits for you to consider from the perspective of less synthetic chemicals to having a better taste so why not try it out for yourself and decide what you prefer.
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